Q kódok a hajózásban - QOA...QQZ sorozat - tengeri mozgószolgálatban használt távközlési rövidítések

Q kód kérdés válasz vagy értesítés
QOA Can you communicate by radiotelegraphy (500 kHz)? I can communicate by radiotelegraphy (500 kHz).
Tud-e rádiótávírón kommunikálni (500 kHz). Rádiótávírón tudok kommunikálni (500 kHz).
QOB Can you communicate by radiotelephony (2182 kHz)? I can communicate by radiotelephony (2182 kHz).
Tud-e rádiótávbeszélőn kommunikálni (2181 kHz). Tudok rádiótávbeszélőn kommunikálni (2182 kHz).
QOC Can you communicate by radiotelephony (channel 16 - frequency 156.80 MHz)? I can communicate by radiotelephony (channel 16 - frequency 156.80 MHz).
Tud-e rádiótávbeszélőn kommunikálni (16. csatorna, 156,8 MHz frekvencián). Tudok rádiótávbeszélőn kommunikálni (16. csatorna, 156,8 MHz frekvencián).
QOD Can you communicate with me in ...
0. Dutch
1. English
2. French
3. German
4. Greek
5. Italian
6. Japanese
7. Norwegian
8. Russian
9. Spanish?
I can communicate with you in ...
0. Dutch
1. English
2. French
3. German
4. Greek
5. Italian
6. Japanese
7. Norwegian
8. Russian
9. Spanish?
QOE Have you received the safety signal sent by ... (name and/or call sign)? I have received the safety signal sent by ... (name and/or call sign).
QOF What is the commercial quality of my signals? The quality of your signals is ...
1. not commercial
2. marginally commercial
3. commercial.
QOG How many tapes have you to send? I have ... tapes to send.
QOH Shall I send a phasing signal for ... seconds? Send a phasing signal for ... seconds.
QOI Shall I send my tape? Send your tape.
QOJ Will you listen on ... kHz (or MHz) for signals of emergency position-indicating radiobeacons? I am listening on ... kHz (or MHz) for signals of emergency position-indicating radiobeacons.
QOK Have you received the signals of an emergency position-indicating radiobeacon on ... kHz (or MHz)? I have received the signals of an emergency position-indicating radiobeacon on ... kHz (or MHz).
QOL Is your vessel fitted for reception of selective calls? If so, what is your selective call number or signal? My vessel is fitted for the reception of selective calls. My selective call number or signal is ...
QOM On what frequencies can your vessel be reached by a selective call? My vessel can be reached by a selective call on the following frequency/ies ... (periods of time to be added if necessary).
QOO Can you send on any working frequency? I can send on any working frequency.
QOT Do you hear my call; what is the approximate delay in minutes before we may exchange traffic? I hear your call; the approximate delay is ... minutes.

Felhasznált irodalom:

AP14 - ITU Radio Regulations 1990, Appendix 14 - ITU Rádiószabályzat, 14. melléklet

veszélyhelyzetben használt Q kódok: QOJ, QOK

Kapcsolódó linkek:

Q kódok

Q kódok - QAA...QNZ sorozat - légi mozgószolgálat

Q kódok - QRA...QUZ sorozat - mindegyik szolgálat, kivéve tengeri mozgószolgálat

Q kódok a rádióamatőr forgalomban